Just keeping a lil journal :)

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Short Post - Dropped by for a visit

Hey loves!
How are you guys doing? I've been doing delightfully great! ;)
So just yesterday and earlier on, I dropped by Sindy's workplace at Nex to give her a visit! Kay, will keep this post short. I'll let the pics fill in instead! :)

On Saturday, 22/3

I came to realise that my butt is in a relatively awkz position. HAHA

Today...earlier on.

Candid shot much ;)

Ajisen for dinez! :D
Kay, I know it doesn't look appetizing but folks, nvr judge a book by it's cover! Vege ramen is da bomb! ;D Haahah

Well well, that's about it loves! A short post indeed! Heehe. I've gotta head to bed soon too 'cause I've work tmr and I'm meeting my friend tomorrow at AMK MRT at 6.20am! Like ugh, I rarely ever wake up this early for school! Not to mention for work! Haahaha.

All right folks, will update my blog again! Till then, have a great night & take care! (;

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