Just keeping a lil journal :)

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Photo Diary - How's it going, folks?

Hey there lovelies! Well, it seemed like I've been gone 4va! Oh technically, three months!! I'm really really sorry about it! Set aside the fact that I've been real busy with school work, I just couldn't find a perf time to chill, settle down and type out a complete blog entry. But nonetheless, here I ammmmmm ;)

First off, I have to say that I am coping slightly better with school work as compared to the month of April and May. I was finally back on track with all my modules' assignments!! And with that being achieved, I obviously had to skip a few of my CCA training. 'Cause honestly speaking, I wasn't ready to jeopardize my school work for CCA. After every training that I've attended, by the time I've reached home, I would just be beat tired and I would entirely be too lethargic to start on any of my assignments no doubt it's going to be due the next day. It did take me quite a while to come into a decision to put my school work as the first priority and that it's all right to give training a miss on certain days.

Well, nevertheless, did I mention that SCHOOL HAS BEEN A REAL BLAST?! ;D My coursemates are literally the best!! They're just such entertaining and dear friends to be arnd with! Ahaaahah. 2 cliques of friends, double the fun!!! 

I'm just going to post some pictures and end of the post, alright! ;)

FINALLY, a proper group photo with The Gang~

Anddddddd that sums up my days in poly till date! Whooopp! More to come soon! I might be posting a post about my splurge from TAOBAO soon!! Woohoo, can't wait! In the meanwhile, take care and have a great day ahead!! :D Oh andd of course, love y'all! *winks*